Some 900 sixth- through 12th-graders will use object-retrieving robots and egg-protecting helicopters and bottle rockets to demonstrate their engineering prowess during the Utah Science Olympiad on Saturday, April 12 at the University of Utah.
Science Olympiad is free and open to the public and news media. The tournament runs from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at various campus locations.
Hosted by the University of Utah College of Engineering, the competition tests 74 middle and high school teams of up to 15 students each in 23 diverse, hands-on science and engineering events.
“Science Olympiad encompasses aspects from all science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, competitions. In this academic track meet, students run the gamut of challenges from research and knowledge to engineering and building,” says Ashley Nicholes, Utah Science Olympiad program coordinator.
Visit the Utah Science Olympiad
Read this full press release in the U News Center