Hahn was chosen for her “extraordinary commitment to mentoring young girls and women engineering students, for dedication to SWE, and for working toward advances in materials science and engineering.” She will be recognized at the annual Society of Women Engineer’s conference in Nashville, Tenn., this month.
Hahn joined SWE as a freshman as the materials science department representative. She was then secretary for three years and is now the regional collegiate senator, representing collegiate SWE members from Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Las Vegas and southern California. She has attended many SWE conferences, networking extensively with materials science engineers from around the nation.
She has been involved in Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honors Society (TBP), since 2013 as vice president and public relations officer. She was in charge of recruiting new members, as well as the initiation process. Last year, Hahn was a TBP Scholar and is currently the service chair for the TBP section here at the U.
Hahn also regularly leads the parents’ education workshop at SWE at the U’s Girl Scout Nights and is a mentor for our Day in the Life of a Female Engineering Student event, where high school students come to shadow students to learn about engineering.
Her area of research is in thin-film solar cells. In 2014, Hahn co-founded Electrochrome, which placed in the top 30 in the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge in 2014. The company developed a coating for sport snow goggles that changes the tint of the goggles based on applied voltage. She also completed a study abroad in Grenoble, France, and an internship with the RISE program at UC Santa Barbara.