As we plan on returning to campus for fall semester during these unparalleled times, the University of Utah and the College of Engineering are dedicated to keep students, faculty, and staff safe and healthy as the new school year begins.
In order to maintain a safe campus, everyone is required to follow the university’s guidelines:
Only Come to Campus if You Are Healthy
– You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use of medicine that reduces fevers), AND
– You do not have any other flu-like symptoms (for example, cough or shortness of breath), AND
– At least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared, AND
– You have not had contact with anyone who is COVID positive (including the 5 days before they were positive) for 14 days.
Use of Face Coverings on Campus Is REQUIRED
Face coverings must be worn at all times in all areas of all university buildings. The only time a face covering can safely be removed is when an individual is alone in a private office with the door closed. Appropriate face coverings include cloth masks, scarves, gaiters and bandanas, and must cover the nose and mouth. Plastic face shields do not meet this requirement.
Physical Distancing (6 ft) Must Be Maintained
– Maintain at least 6 ft of separation as often as possible.
– Minimize face-to-face contacts and avoid large gatherings.
Important Resources
The U’s COVID-19 Central website has the most up-to-date information about university policies associated with the coronavirus.
The U has also created an all-encompassing Return to Campus website that can answer questions regarding what we need to do during the pandemic. This includes links to required training videos that all students, faculty, and staff must view.
Let’s make this not only a productive and exciting school year, but also a healthy and safe one. See you on campus soon!