Mission Statement

To prepare students for leadership positions and professional practice in academia, industry and government; to improve the productivity, health, safety and enjoyment of human life through leading-edge research; and to stimulate and grow the economy by providing qualified engineering professionals and by transferring the technologies developed in the John and Marcia Price College of Engineering research to the private sector.

College Rankings

The University of Utah’s John and Marcia Price College of Engineering remains one of the most sought-after educational institutions for engineering and computer science. In the latest statistics from The American Society for Engineering Education’s Profiles of Engineering & Engineering Technology, Price ranks as follows:

    • 43rd in research expenditures
    • 30th in engineering doctoral degrees awarded
    • 34th in tenured/tenure-track faculty members
    • 30th in undergraduate enrollment
    • 49th in graduate enrollment


In 2023, the Price College of Engineering once again set an annual record for the number of engineering degrees it has awarded: 1394


The Price College of Engineering features 220 tenure-track faculty members, reflecting our commitment to a growing student body.


Research has always been a foundation of the Price College of Engineering’s mission. With more than $202 million in engineering-related research funding in 2023 (including sub-awards), we are investing in innovation.