All University of Utah students have a right to appeal any academic action they feel is arbitrary and capricious. The procedure for an academic appeal can be found in Section IV: Student Academic Performance of the Student Code.
Academic Appeals and Misconduct Policy
A student who engages in academic misconduct may be subject to academic sanctions including but not limited to a grade reduction, failing grade, probation, suspension or dismissal from the program or the University, or revocation of the student’s degree or certificate. However, if the student believes that academic sanction given by the faculty member is arbitrary or capricious, they should discuss the academic sanction with the faculty member and attempt to resolve the disagreement. If the student and faculty member are unable to resolve the disagreement, the student may appeal the academic sanction to the Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee in the college. The student must submit their appeal to the college’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Sneha Kumar Kasera at
A student who believes that an academic action taken in connection with academic performance requirements is arbitrary or capricious should discuss the academic action with the involved faculty member and attempt to resolve the disagreement. If unable to resolve the disagreement, the student may appeal the action to the department chair. If the student or the faculty member disagree with the department chair’s decision, they could appeal the decision to the Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee by submitting their appeal to the college’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Sneha Kumar Kasera at
Please refer to Policy 6-410: Student Academic Performance, Academic Conduct, and Professional and Ethical Conduct for more details especially the timeline of the appeals process.
Contacts for Academic Appeals
Department Administration
- David W. Grainger, Biomedical Engineering
- Eric Eddings, Chemical Engineering
- Tong Qui, Civil and Environmental Engineering
- H. James de St. Germain, Kahlert School of Computing
- Hanseup Kim, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dmitry Bedrov, Materials Science and Engineering
- Bruce Gale, Mechanical Engineering