John and Marcia Price College of Engineering Convocation Ceremony

Friday, May 5, 2023
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 3:00 p.m.

Check-in: 1:30 p.m. Procession begins: 2:40 p.m.
More Convocation Information

Friday, May 5, 2023
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 3:00 p.m.

Honorary Students

Graduating Students

***Summa Cum Laude
**Magna Cum Laude
*Cum Laude

Student Farewells

Chantel Marie Charlebois, PhD

Carter Craig Niedert, BS

Thanks to the U, I'm the most smartest I've ever been in my whole life!

Drew Brakey, BS

Perseverance has been my mindset throughout engineering school. I couldn't have done it without all the amazing people in my life, especially my parents and husband. I love you all so much!

Ruba Alraqibah, BS

I am so incredibly grateful for all the opportunities I was able to pursue during my time here. I am proud to become a U Alum and will cherish my time here for years to come. Wherever I end up in this world, it will be because I was once here.

Brittney Nhem, BS/MS

I share gratitude to my family who never stopped supporting me and the bond made with friends that I’ll never forget. It was a roller coaster but we made it to the end :)

Britney Chen, BS/MS

Thank you Mom and Dad for all the support throughout college. Thank you to Anna for always being there for me and thanks to all my colleagues in my research lab for your help and support.

Payton J Thomas, BS

I'm happy to share that I'll be enrolling in the UC San Diego PhD program in Bioengineering this fall, where I will study synthetic biology and genetic engineering. My ultimate goal is to become a professor in this field.

Sammi Yu, BS

Thank you to my friends and family! I am glad to have your unconditional love and support. To my fellow classmates, I wish you all the best! Despite the countless nights filled with stress and worry, we did it! I am happy to have experienced this college journey with all of you.

Casia Lynn Wardzala, PhD

Thanks to all the people who enrich my life so beautifully – my parents, without whom I could never have dreamt of having such a career in science, and my closest friends, who built me up every step of the way. Couldn't have done it without you!

Acramulhaque Kabir, MS

Leaving my family was not easy but today makes my journey worthwhile. I would like to thank my parents, wife, siblings, teachers, and friends for helping me out in every situation. Also, remember, when it comes to applying for jobs, books ARE judged by the cover :)

Ignacio Kahnlein, BS

Thank you to everyone who has made these last few years so memorable! You are what made it fun and interesting. I can't wait to share the next chapter in life with you all!

Abby Harrison, BS

Mental health would be 0/10 if it weren't for the homies and their hugs. Thanks for being my people :) Biological homies (aka family), thanks for picking me up from the airport in tears for the first few years and letting me do my laundry for free.

Jocelyn Bowman, BS

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" - Romans 8:18 I want to thank my God, my husband, my family, and my friends for my adventure at the U. I could not have done it without them.

Callie Eppich, BS

"Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems" - Scott Adams And if they are too tired to create a problem, a professor will happily do it for you - Callie Eppich

Katee Nicol Perez, BS/MS

To my parents - I'm proud to be your only and favorite daughter. You have been my twin pillars, without whom I could not stand. Te quiero mucho! To my husband - Having you by my side means the world to me. Thank you for cheering me on the last three years. I love you!

Omar Anthony Benitez, BS

These last 5 years have been some of the greatest of my life and I will always appreciate my time at the U. The moments spent with peers have been unforgettable and I wish everybody well in their future endeavors. Thank you to my parents for all of the support.

Hannah Khelfa, BS/MS

Dear family and friends thank you for all the love and support throughout my college years. I couldn't have done it without you and I love you all so much! Dear Mama and Baba Thank you for always believing in me, I can't express how thankful I am to have you both as my parents!

Jessica Than Nguyen, BS

Dear Classmates, you survived late-night cram sessions, endless problem sets, and enough caffeine to fill a swimming pool! Now go forth & make the world a better place, one spreadsheet and PP presentation at a time. Thank you for all the memes, I definitely got rect( ) in…

Lia Westermann, BS

Thank you to my family, friends, professors, and classmates for an incredible college experience. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead for all of us!

Sarthak Tiwari, BS

It's hard to believe that I'm finally done. It's been a long 4 years and half of it seems to have already disappeared. Despite that, I feel like I've grown so much, and I thank everyone who's helped me along the way. Best of luck with your future goals!

Price College of Engineering Commencement Program

Click the image to open up the pdf version of the program.