The Engineering National Advisory Council (ENAC) was established in 2001 to advance excellence in engineering education; provide counsel to the Dean; and support the long‐term strategic objectives of the College.

Council Members

John D. LaLonde, Chair

David C. Aldous

Trevor Bee

Rick Bradshaw

Don R. Brown

Richard Brown

Denson Cao

Craig S. Carrel

Edwin Catmull

Ronald H. Dunn

Chris Durham

Mark Fuller

Scott Gochnour

Jeanette L. Haren

Sheila Harper

Kim P. Harris

Brett Helm

Paul J. Hirst

Cary Jenkins

Jason E. Job

David S. Layton

Paul Mayfield

Gretchen McClain

Harold W. Milner

Ken Muir

Jeff R. Nelson

Jonathan Oomrigar

David Pershing

Shane V. Robison

Derek Smith

Eric Smith

Jessica Smith

Jeff Spath

Gregory P. Starley

Gerald B. Stringfellow

Michael Stubblefield

Randal R. Sylvester

Anne Taylor

Nick Thomas

Lynn Thompson

J. Howard Van Boerum

Darren Wesemann

John A. Williams

Jerry K. Young

Ex Officio Members

Dean Charles Musgrave faces the camera wearing a dark blazer and a red tie on a light blue dress shirt

Charles Musgrave

Josh Grant

John C. Sutherland