John and Marcia Price College of Engineering Convocation Ceremony

Friday, May 5, 2023
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 3:00 p.m.

Check-in: 1:30 p.m. Procession begins: 2:40 p.m.
More Convocation Information

Friday, May 5, 2023
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 3:00 p.m.

Outstanding Service

Heather Kahlert

Vice President, Kahlert Foundation

Honorary Students

Graduating Students

***Summa Cum Laude
**Magna Cum Laude
*Cum Laude

Student Farewells

Kazi Sinthia Kabir, PhD

I never imagined how it would feel to say goodbye to graduate school, my mentors, and my friends. Thank you all for making my Ph.D. journey an enjoyable one. I wish the graduates well and great success in their journey ahead.

Alejandro Rubio, BS

I want to thank you for being a part of my journey. It's been an honor to share these years with you, and I'm grateful for the friendships and memories we've created. I'm proud of what we've accomplished and excited for what's ahead. Congratulations to us all!

Jordan Bryant Washington, MS

Going back to school after spending some time outside of academia can be hard but I have an enormous amount of gratitude for all of the faculty, post-docs and my classmates in computer graphics and sci-vis. Special thank you for Chris Johnson!

Eisen Montalvo-Ruiz, MS

Grateful for my Masters in Computing (Graphics & Visualization) journey @UUtah🎓! Endless thanks to family, friends & co-workers for unwavering support🙏. Your love, motivation & belief in me made this possible. Excited for the future & forever grateful💖.…

Subhan Amir Mahmood, BS


Carter H Rigert, BS

Vista Vee Marston, BS

I am excited to finally graduate and use my skills in the workforce!!

Rachel Ho, BS

Sarthak Jain, BS

I'd like to thank my classmates, friends and family for helping me succeed at the University of Utah and would like to wish everyone all the best for the future!

Nicholas Alexander Gonzalez, BS

I want to thank everyone, especially my family and all their sacrifices, for all the support over these past for years in helping me get my degree. I can't wait to move forward in life with this degree and be able to pursue all my hopes and dream in the field of computing.

Pavol Klacansky, PhD

Thank you.

Ashton Loosli, BS

I've been looking forward to graduating from college for years, and now that it's here, I miss it already. While I won't reminisce on the basement of WEB where most of my college career took place, I'll miss the campus community here at the U and the friends I made along the…

Koji T Nagata-brown, BS

My time at the U has been unforgettable. I am grateful for the faculty, curriculum, and community that has shaped me into the person and professional that I am today, and excited to see what the future holds! Go Utes!

Hyunwoo Chae, BS

Daniel Burns Israelsen, BS

Thank you to everyone who helped me get to this point--especially my family!

Jack Wilburn, MS

I'm so excited to be graduating. I couldn't have done it without the support of all my family!

Polina Lyubavina, MS

I'm so incredibly happy to be graduating! And now I can finally say that I've made it to the other side. Thanks to everyone for putting up with my endless complaining about assignments and deadlines. Now, let's celebrate and move on to the next chapter!

Anuja Garg, MS

Graduation day !! Thanks to the U, and my loved ones, for making this journey full of excitement. I could say that, all the hard work was worth it.

Gabriel Prime Jarrard, BS

The futile scribe is cursed to know all and understand nothing.

Wyatt William Light, BS

Nothing better than Saturdays with the boys. And also do your homework.

Joe Rodman, BS

Mom and Dad - thanks for being there for me all throughout college and my whole life in general. I truly couldn't ask for better parents and I love you guys

Ben K Malohi, BS

Graduated with a 2.9, wasn't much but it's honest work

Mary Evans, BS

Cole Taylor, BS

I didn't think the moment would ever come when we would have to say goodbye. Good bye to all the beautiful moments we shared together in the course of our studies at the U, I wish everybody well and great success in their future endeavors.

Christopher de Freitas, BS/MS

Tessa Emi Nishida, BS

I am so grateful for the support and guidance of my friends and family. Thank you for always being there to encourage me to work hard and for reminding me to have fun! I would not be the person I am today without you, and I am excited to see what the future holds.

Gabriel Sean Brodbeck, BS

Jackson Oliver Cunningham, BS

Thank you friends, family, and coaches for supporting me through my college career. Go Utes

Ethan John Pedersen, BS

Crystal L Young, BS

Rolled for initiative, got a nat20, on to the next campaign!

Jackson Joseph Dean, BS

Finished already? Bummer. Maybe I'll have to stick around for another degree. I hear grad school is fun...

Zixuan Zhang, BS

Sumanth Gudaparthi, PhD

There are no dumb questions, only dumb assumptions.

Erik D Warling, BS

"Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend. I know it."

Ethan Avery Emoto, BS

I really appreciate all that I've learned from my time at the U, and I believe I'll remember the memories I've made here fondly. I am also very grateful for my family and friends who have given me so much support throughout the years.

Courtney Holbrook, BS

I couldn't have made it this far if it weren't for my family and friends. My experience here at the U has been the best, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I appreciate all you guys have done for me, and I am excited for what the future will bring!

Alyse B Palsulich, BS

As incredibly excited as I am to graduate, I am even more grateful for those that allowed me to be here. I am grateful to my parents for all of their guidance and support, my brothers for being there for me, and my partner Nicholas for working with me through this degree.

Jacob L. Smith, BS

Moments like this feel far away until they suddenly pounce on me. I'm so grateful for the experiences and people that got me here. Jacob, journey's end, Years of code and study done, Graduate, take flight. - ChatGPT

Marcus Andrew Adair, BS

I've came such a long way but it went by so fast. Thank you to all for coming out and for the support. Thank you to my family, friends, my girlfriend, my classmates, my advisor Ivan, my teachers, and everyone else. My education at the University of Utah was amazing.

Junming Jin, MSD

Austin Faataualofa Tafiti Kelley, BS


Evan Taylor, BS

I want to thank my parents for their inexhaustible love and support throughout this journey, and for taking a genuine interest in my studies. I also want to the thank the amazing CS faculty for making this a top-tier program, and my capstone group for being exceptional.

Brian Ray Schnepp, BS/MS

I am very grateful for the time learning and growing at the U, and would like to thank all of my friends, family, classmates and teachers who helped me get to where I am today. It's been hard to say goodbye, but I hope the future leads to exciting opportunities!

Vivek Gupta, PhD

Guess what? I'm officially a Ph.D. in computer science from UoU now! It's been an epic adventure, and I couldn't have done it without all of your unwavering support. You've been my power-up through this wild ride, and I'm now armed with new knowledge to level up in the world.

Nanda Kumar Jonnalagadda, BS

Max Yang, MS

Soumyajit Saha, MS

Thank you for being there for me!

Prajeet Reddy Vakiti, MS

The tassel was worth the hassle 🎓

Samuel Timothy Peters, BS

Thank you to all of my peers, professors, friends, and family for helping me achieve this amazing accomplishment!

David Bryce Dursteler, BS

Security concerns have a way of injecting themselves into your life'); DROP TABLE Students;--

Victor Villegas, BS

Dear Family and Friends As I prepare to graduate, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion. This milestone represents a significant achievement not just for me, but for my entire family. As a first-generation college graduate, this accomplishment means a lot

Neil Whitaker, MS

Here's to dreams and their fulfillment, to making the most of life and cherishing the incredible people who surround you. To everyone who was a part of this journey with me, thank you and many happy wishes for the future!

Adam Bruce Camp, BS

I have been fortunate to meet and work with close friends as we conquered algorithms, malloc, and our Senior Capstone project in cave L130. To them, my advisors, professors, and TAs, thank you for your patience and willingness to help me succeed.

John Michael Duffy, BS

It took a moment, but here we are. It has been a humbling experience, but also an empowering one. I am immensely grateful for my family's patience and support over the past few years, and look forward to the opportunities my education will bring.

Justin Springborn, BS

Vishalkumar Sahoo, MS

Two years of joy, laughter and stress later I graduated with a MS in CS. Can’t thank my family and friends enough.

Youjia Zhou, PhD

Price College of Engineering Commencement Program

Click the image to open up the pdf version of the program.