The John and Marcia Price College of Engineering makes the following hands-on activities and videos available for checkout for local teachers. Many of these resources accompany our lesson plans, available without restriction to K-12 teachers.
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- Submit this form to reserve activity kits and videos.
- Descriptions of resources are listed below.
- Resources may be checked out for up to 7 days at a time.
- Pick-up and Drop-off Resources at:
72 S. Central Campus Drive
WEB Room 1813
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Students learn about forces and the motion that can occur as a result. They are introduced to tension as a force. They construct a catapult and determine which length of lever is most effective. Adaptations include engineering a catapult that can launch 3 feet and another that launches 40 feet. With the adaptations, students create a graph and analyze the data.
Grade Level: 7-12
Materials Included: 8 Kits, enough for 32 students
Additional Materials Needed: None

Programming Robot
Students are introduced to concepts of computer programming. They program a robot to perform certain functions like make a sound or go through a maze.
Grade Level: 4-12
Materials Included: 8 Robots, enough for 24-36 students
Additional Materials Needed: Y, see lesson plan

Wind Turbines
Students are introduced to turbines as a form of generating electricity. They construct wind turbine blades to generate enough voltage to light a LED bulb.
Grade Level: K-12
Materials Included: 1 Turbine Structure, 12 Hub and Dowel Sets, enough for 36 students
Additional Materials Needed: Y, see lesson plan

Water Bottle Rockets
Students learn about air pressure and aerodynamics. They construct a bottle rocket and use trigonometric functions to determine the maximum height of their rocket.
Grade Level: K-12
Materials Included: 1 Rocket Launcher and 1 Bike Pump
Additional Materials Needed: Y, see lesson plan

Heart Valve Activity Test Equipment
Students learn about fluid dynamics as well as how valves in our bodies function. They construct a heart valve that will only allow fluids to travel in one direction.
Grade Level: 4-12
Materials Included: Testing Equipment and Sample Valves
Additional Materials Needed: Y, see lesson plan

Exploring Engineering Kit
Students learn about 8 different areas of engineering as they interact with real products of engineering, including asphalt, robots, artificial heart and the world’s smallest projector.
Grade Level: K-12
Materials Included: Engineering Products
Additional Materials Needed: None

Truss Sets
Students learn concepts of physics through truss design. They build structures made of structures and test the load distribution as a weighted car travels across the structure. Students can build roller coasters, bridges or anything other structure made of trusses.
Grade Level: 6-12
Materials Included: 6 Kits, enough for 30 students
Additional Materials Needed: N