K-12 Programs

Our programs target elementary, junior high, and high school students. We involve current engineering students as much as possible so that they can share their enthusiasm with others.

Our goals include:

  • Attracting k-12 students from all walks of life to engineering majors
  • Better prepare all student populations and their families for college success.
  • Enable the success of matriculated PCE students through academic programs and resources.
  • Create an inclusive environment in the College for all future engineers.

This free, traveling exhibit introduces high school students to the 10 types of engineering majors we offer.

These events encourage continued interest in math and science while focusing on the field of engineering and invention.

We would like to be invited to visit junior high and high schools to encourage students to consider engineering as a major and a career.

We offer hands-on learing with chemical, electrical, civil, environmental, computer, mechanical, materials, and biomedical engineering.


Goals of the diversity programs are to:

  • Attract a diverse population of K-12 students to engineering majors using outreach programs that excite students to the possibilities in engineering.
  • Better prepare under-represented student populations and their families for college success.
  • Enable the success of matriculated CoE students through academic programs and resources.
  • Create an inclusive environment in the College for all future engineers.

Click here for more.

Teacher Resources

We work closely with the state core curriculum to create engaging, hands-on activities that reinforce science and mathematical concepts. We offer lesson plans, a variety of kits, as well as equipment and videos that can be checked out for up to seven days.

Click here for more.

Women in Engineering

The Women in Engineering (WIE) program serves the community of women engineering/computer science students in the Price College of Engineering. WIE focuses on retention, recruitment and overall climate-enhancement activities. All students are welcome!


Society of Women Engineers
Women in Engineering
Women’s Resource Center

The Women in Engineering (WIE) program serves the community of women engineering/computer science students in the Price College of Engineering. All students are welcome!


Society of Women Engineers
Women’s Resource Center